Stunning City Views
London is a city of opposites. It has the ability to be both beautiful and ugly; noisy and quiet; and wonderful and terrifying all at the same time. I was very fortunate in being able to find some beautiful, quiet and wonderful spots hidden throughout this gargantuan concrete jungle, and spend some time enjoying the serenity and cityscape that surrounded me. Hampstead Heath Located a ways outside of Central London is one of the city's numerous green spaces (I personally find they get better the further out you go) that's home to wildlife, ponds, trees and trails. Surrounded by stunning examples of 1800s architecture, the area itself is very lovely and peaceful to visit. When you enter the Heath and walk amongst the thick, tall trees you do actually forget that you're still in the middle of the city because it's so quiet and natural-looking; however, you do get reminded of where you are when you catch glimpses of the tall metal buildings within the city's centre ...